Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Did You Just Hit and Run in Portland, Oregon?

We don’t believe that anyone ever intends to have a hit and run accident. Most of us think of ourselves as upstanding citizens who will take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. But unfortunately, sometimes things happen that change things.

If you are ever driving and think you have hit something in the road, you must get out and see whom or what you hit. You cannot simply drive away. If you hit a person, for whatever reason, you must remain at the scene and give aid. Call the police immediately. If you hit an animal, you must also remain on the scene until you can get help or manage the situation by yourself. If you are simply a witness to an accident, you must also remain on the scene and give all of your information to the police. Witnesses who do not do so are subject to being ticketed.

If you hit a car with no one in it, you must try to find out who is responsible for that car, or leave all of your contact information in plain view on the car, perhaps on the windshield.

None if this is simply a matter of our “better angels” or conscience. Aside from the moral obligations, there are far-reaching legal ramifications. You may be dealing with a criminal offense. If you leave the scene and there were injuries, this may qualify as a Class C felony. Class C felonies are punishable by up to 5 years in prison and fines reaching $125,000. If there was only property damage as a result of the accident, you may be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. These are punishable by up to 1 year in jail and fines reaching $6,250. In any case you may lose your driver’s license in addition to going to jail.

If you find yourself in a situation like this, you are no doubt scared and possibly terrified. None of this will get any better until you own up to and seek to resolve your actions. There is a possibility that you may not even know or remember what happened, except that you hit something and drove away. This is when you call us.

Please give us a call at 503.655.7555. We offer a range of legal specialties and many years of experience. We will be with you in court, and before and after. We will do the best that we can to mitigate your legal difficulties.

Drive responsibly. Don’t text, drive the speed limit, keep both hands on the wheel. Pay attention. Researchers from Oregon State University have studied driving distraction and Dr. David Hurwitz wrote, “Based on recent studies, anything that takes your attention away, any glance away from the road for two seconds or longer can increase the risk of an accident from four to 24 times.” That’s just TWO seconds. Regarding texting, one more time, according to OSU, a previous study found that texting was equivalent to being drunk. Please wait until you pull over or stop the car.

We want to help. Call us at 503.655.7555. Don’t handle this alone.

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